Clifton Jewish Center Services
Let the Clifton Jewish Center be your religious and spiritual home providing worship, comfort and friendship. We now welcome women to our morning minyan on Monday and Thursday and also on our Bema. You will find a friendly and warm environment and a progressive approach to the needs of the family members and the community at large. In our environment, you will find spiritual guidance in time of joy and sorrow. You will share in creative programming of an educational, cultural and recreational nature. You can benefit from the 50 years of enthusiasm that has made the Clifton Jewish center a landmark in the community, through the efforts of your friends and neighbors. You will find a warm welcome when you join us. You will see Judaism at work in the Clifton Jewish Center. Serving Your Family

For your religious needs, we have impressive and meaningful services on Shabbat, Holy Days, Festivals and a morning Minyan every Monday and Thursday. While we retain the traditional mode of service, we have English reading and English prayers meaningfully interpreted by the Rabbi. Our Cantor adds enrichment to the service. During the autumn and winter seasons, we have Late Friday Evening Services with an Oneg Shabbat social following. For your social needs, we provide you with the opportunity to participate in many projects and programs to utilize your talents, ambitions, abilities and energy.
For enhancing your knowledge of Judaism, we have an extensive Adult Education Program with subjects ranging from Jewish history, current Jewish problems, philosophy, book reviews, bible classes, Hebrew classes and many more. In addition, we invite renowned guests who are specialists in particular fields. For enlightenment and education, you will find Judaism At Work in the Clifton Jewish Center.
Serving Our Community
Your Center is both the sounding board and the voice for the thriving Jewish community in the greater Clifton area.
We sponsor and participate with interfaith programs and in human relations and civic improvement functions. We are “involved” where your interests and those of your family are concerned. Our new Rabbi is succeeding in making connections with all organizations in our area.
Dedicated to the support of our Center and for the strengthening of the Judaic principles of life in our families, Sisterhood provides a continuous outlet for education, religious and social needs.
Men’s Club
”A place for interesting discussions, establish new friendships and renew old ones. Always serving bagels and coffee and interesting conversation.